Stunning Views

Capture those special moments.


Landscape Photography

I have always had a connection to nature and for this reason I find capturing a scene very easy. My aim is to create images that bring the viewer into the setting, I want people to feel something when they look at my photos.  Whether you need images for your website, a promotional piece or want to capture your local surroundings I would be happy to help.

New-Born Photography

Every parent wishes they could freeze time and keep their tiny bundle of joy a small baby forever, a new born photoshoot is the closest thing. As a bit of a big child myself I used plenty of props and colourful backgrounds to make these photoshoots as fun as possible. I wont rush you or your new-born, I know everything runs on baby’s schedule so I allow lots of time for these shoots and we can come back to the camera as often as needed.  

Family Portrait

They're a wonderful way of documenting events that happen in our lives, seeing our family grow up, and evoking fond memories of past events. A professional photography session can also be a wonderful opportunity to get the extended family together in a rare moment that can be treasured for generations to come.


Social Media Advertisement

Now more than every we are spending more and more time online. Instagram and Facebook have become our virtual towns and brand pages our shopping streets. Be sure your brand page showcases your products or services correctly online. We have no control over someone’s first engagement with our brand so investing in good photography will ensure your product or service stands out online. 

Check out a quick and fun video I made for Birr Leisure Centre here.

School Photography

A year comes and goes so fast for teachers and students. Having a class photo helps them to remember the fun times they all had throughout the year, and for parents it’s always nice to have a memory for life. I enjoy these photoshoots as kids make everything more fun. I can call out to the school before hand to choose the right location and speak to the teacher or principal and we will ensure all paperwork is sent to parents before and images sent after. 

Historical Aerial Photography

The Irish landscape is a living compendium of human and natural history, its character a testament to the lives and aspirations of countless generations. It has been our inspiration and is an essential part of our identity. The landscape sustains us in every way possible — it is both our inheritance and our gift to the future. Over time, nature can take back parts of the land and cover hidden structures. I can help you find hidden pathways and lost structures. Aerial photography is an explorer’s dream.